We have @LolaHedoOnline in the studio fr

We have @LolaHedoOnline in the studio from Playboy Radio/TV we going to talk to her in a few minutes Tune in 89.3 wrfg FM #ATL <= thanks 4 the luv

@BeatzLyricsATL @jayforce @artbyodell @The7ODTwiceBorn @LolaHedoOnline #HerVoiceIsSexy #LemmeLookOverAtThatPic <= me-OW 😉

@BeatzLyricsATL welcomes the GORGEOUS @LolaHedoOnline #Yooooo #Bruuhhhh @The7ODTwiceBorn @artbyodell @jayforce <= aw shucks 😉

Very dope to witness @LolaHedoOnline do

Very dope to witness @LolaHedoOnline do her thing on the @BeatzLyricsATL Show WRFG 89.3 FM <= thank you kindly My Love. I appreciate all the positive energy! #onelove 🙂

@ojones1 @BeatzLyricsATL @LolaHedoOnline @The7ODTwiceBorn @jayforce #HerVoiceIsSexy Yes bro she gave great advice she knows what it is! <= oh boy I tell ya…you sure now how to make a girl blush! 😉

@ATLRemix thanks for tuning in @LolaHedoOnline gave great interview on @BeatzLyricsATL show we will talk with her again @jayforce <= OH YES U WILL MR OH YES YOU WILL! hahah

Thanks to everyone who tuned in last nig

Thanks to everyone who tuned in last night @BeatzLyricsATL show our guests @LolaHedoOnline @DeadEndHipHop @CptheArtist @fluxwonda <= thanks for having Me 😉

@aloneinatlanta thanks for listening @LolaHedoOnline gave great advice last night on show @ATLRemix @BeatzLyricsATL <= THANKS SO MUCH for having Me gents. Good times indeed! Now COME TO NYC AND PARTY W MOI 😉